Mark-to-Market Instruments on your Balance Sheet

Start time:
May 6, 2025 10:00 AM PT
1 hour
Laura Slider, Moss Adams, (972) 458-3748
Cost to attend:

Join us for our webcast, Mark-to-Market Instruments on your Balance Sheet. We’ll discuss the different categories on your balance sheet that need to be marked to market and briefly get into the GAAP guidance.

We’ll also provide an overview of the common instruments we have seen in the energy industry that might require a one-time or a quarterly valuation update and the common methodologies we have seen.



Akshaya Jaisankar, CPA, ABV, Director, Moss Adams

Akshaya has worked in public accounting since 2009, focusing on business valuation and litigation. She manages and performs valuations for financial reporting, tax compliance, gift and estate tax planning, stock-based compensation, M&A, strategic planning, and litigation and dispute support.

Adriana Langston, Manager, Moss Adams

Adriana has provided financial advisory services since 2016. She has experience providing valuation and consulting services, as well as restructuring and litigation support. Adriana’s valuation experience includes ASC 820 business valuation, ASC 805 intangible asset valuation and purchase price allocation, ASC 350 goodwill impairment analyses, and ASC 718 complex securities valuation.

Luke Gartman, Manager, Moss Adams

Luke has practiced in public accounting since 2019. He assists in the valuation of operating and limited liability companies for a variety of purposes, including tax purposes, estate planning, potential sale and acquisition, financial reporting, and corporate planning.

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CPE Information

Program Level:
Accounting: 1
Delivery Method:
Learning Objectives:

Identify categories on the balance sheet that might need a fair value appraisal; discuss the methodologies that appraisal companies typically use to mark instruments to fair value; and identify complex financial instruments that require an update to get ahead on your financial reporting.

Refund Policy:

For more information about administrative policies regarding CPE, refunds or complaints, please contact Laura Slider at (972) 458-3748 or send her an email.

Moss Adams is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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