Operate more efficiently and effectively by verifying your organization’s compliance with trust and fiduciary regulatory requirements—whether you’re navigating regulations, dealing with pressure to reduce fees, or juggling the increasing complexities of managing your clients’ accounts.
We provide support for:
Verify your organization’s adherence with applicable trust laws and regulations through a detailed test of new, closed, and existing trust accounts.
Considerations of the examination include adherence to the governing account instrument, needs of account beneficiaries, prudence in asset administration, avoidance of conflicts of interest, appropriateness of your organization’s fees, and more.
Meet investment-related fiduciary standards by reviewing the decision-making process used for the selection, retention, and preservation of discretionary assets.
Assess whether financial risks embedded in account portfolios are appropriate, the timing and completeness of annual account reviews, and monitor your fiduciary assets for trends and related risk exposures.
Verify compliance with related fiduciary requirements through reviews and tests of operational controls over vault contents; segregation of duties; distributions; disbursements and income processing; reconciliation; and monitoring of custodial accounts, irregular income, and worthless securities.
Verify the real estate your organization owns is handled in accordance with governing instruments by reviewing assets for appropriate titling and documentation of security interest, appropriate inspection and appraisal, and adherence to the governing instrument.
Determine agency agreements and appropriate monitoring is in place in cases where property is managed by others.
Matching deep industry experience spanning 35 years with creative strategies uniquely tailored to your organization, our professionals can help with tax, assurance, and consulting solutions while uncovering timely opportunities for growth.
Our professionals are solely dedicated to financial services clients with a deep understanding of common risk areas and best practice recommendations—bringing passion, expertise, and a spirit of active collaboration to each engagement.
We serve more than 2,200 financial services and financial institutions clients nationwide. Our programs are based on in-depth risk evaluation to focus work on areas that represent the greatest exposure and assisting clients in strengthening controls and improving processes.
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