Telecommunications Cooperatives Capital Credit Strategies

Start time:
May 14, 2025 9:00 AM PT
7 hours
Park MGM Las Vegas
3770 S. Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89109 (Map)
Nicolle Weaver, Moss Adams, (509) 777-0150
Cost to attend:

To increase revenue with allocation methods that keep pace with new services and competition, many cooperatives (co-ops) have changed their approach to allocating and paying capital credits. Join us for our in-person event to explore strategies to change your approach as well as the following topics:

  • Taxation issues. Cooperative tax basic principles.
  • Corporate structure alternatives. Subsidiary, LLC, and member and nonmember capital credit implications.
  • Allocation strategies. Pros and cons of allocating non-operating margins and treatment of competitive cooperative and subsidiary services.
  • Payment strategies. Capital credit retirement strategies, including schedules for patronage and non-patronage allocations; discounting, and planning related to permanent capital. 

Additionally, we’ll cover:

  • Using a basis other than patronage for allocating nonoperating margins
  • Methods to provide incentives for members to use all cooperative services
  • Strategies for implementing change: member, board, and management approvals as well as customer notifications
  • 1099 reporting


Cheri Bernham, CPA, Partner, Moss Adams

Cheri has focused on telecommunications and cooperative tax since 1995, providing tax planning and compliance as well as consulting services for cooperative and corporate reorganizations and cooperative capital credit strategies. Cheri serves rural telecommunications companies, including wireline ILEC and CLEC commercial and cooperative enterprises, wireless and international carriers, cable television companies, fiber transport companies, and telephone associations.

Jordan Frederickson, CPA, Senior Manager, Moss Adams

Jordan has practiced public accounting since 2012, specializing in telecommunications and cooperative tax. He serves primarily small and midsize rural telecommunications companies, and his clients include wireline ILEC and CLEC commercial and cooperative enterprises, wireless and international carriers, cable television companies, fiber transport companies, and telephone associations.

Jordan focuses primarily on tax planning and compliance, and financial statement reporting of income taxes.

CPE Information

Program Level:
Accounting: 6.5
Delivery Method:
Learning Objectives:

After completing this training, participants will be able to explain how to apply cooperative tax law to allocations; understand 1099 reporting; and describe allocation and retirement strategy options for capital credits.

Refund Policy:

For more information about administrative policies regarding CPE, refunds or complaints, please contact Nicolle Weaver at (509) 777-0150 or send her an email.

Moss Adams is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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