
Jennifer has practiced public accounting since 2002. She focuses on financial institutions and works with credit unions, de novo institutions, thrifts, banks, and larger SEC reporting institutions. She has been involved with initial public offerings, registration statements, mutual to stock conversions, mergers and acquisitions of both private and SEC reporting entities, and HUD audits. Jennifer has managed all stages of assurance services, including responsibilities for engagement reviews, planning, compliance testing, fieldwork, and report preparation.

Jennifer oversees the Employee Benefit Plans Practice in the Spokane office, and currently oversees over 50 plans, including audit of defined contribution, defined benefit, and ESOPs. She has also been involved on the training committee for the firm's Employee Benefit Plans Practice.

Selected Speaking Engagements

  • Top 10 Audit Findings
    (ACUIA Region 2, October 2014)
  • Best Practices for a Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Audit Plan
    (ACUIA Region 3, September 2014)
  • Accounting and Auditing Update
    (Moss Adams National Supervisory Committee Training Workshop, June 2013)

Professional Affiliations

  • Member, Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


  • BA, business administration (emphasis in professional accounting and management information systems), Eastern Washington University

Insights from Jennifer Blake