Staffing Analysis

Expanding investments and implementation of new programs—or alternately a reduction in current resources due to a budget deficit—can require your organization’s leadership to make quick decisions regarding staffing and resource capacity.

A staffing analysis, however, can help provide the foundational work necessary to reach target resource levels if your leadership must navigate a rapid period of scaling up, scaling down, or reorganization.

With an objective third-party evaluation, you can gain a comprehensive view of your current staffing resources and organizational options to prepare for a change in funding levels or strategic goals. Staffing analysis can help provide clarity on the needs of your employees to be successful in new roles—encouraging retention and development—and support continuity in operations to deliver your mission, satisfy your community, discuss tradeoffs, and more.

Empower Operational Excellence

Staffing analysis allows leaders to right-size resources and identify gaps and opportunities for additional investment in their workforce by rigorously evaluating:

  • The roles, responsibilities, and results of your current staffing
  • Potential efficiencies and consolidation opportunities
  • Restructuring options and current workload distribution
  • Under-resourced strategic investments that impact operational efficiency and effectiveness

Through analyses, we can help your organization:

  • Respond to structural deficits
  • Plan for right-sized organizational growth
  • Align resources with key strategic initiatives
  • Solve complex, sensitive questions around growth or reduction of teams and programs
  • Identify outsourcing opportunities

How the Staffing Analysis Process Works

Our process is rooted in collaboration at every stage and across every function of your organization, earning the trust necessary to give actionable advice on sensitive and crucial topics.

We develop actionable observations and recommendations by combining a disciplined, well-informed approach with tactical flexibility and attentiveness to your specific needs.

Engagements often include a four-phase approach:

  • Start-up and Management. Create a work plan that outlines project scope, approach, and timeline. Determine key people to interview or survey, documents to review, observations and walk-throughs to perform, when and how to share results, and how to report project status.
  • Fact-Finding. Obtain the most current information available—and insights from your organization and selected stakeholders—through fieldwork including documentation review, walk-throughs, observations, interviews, and surveys.
  • Analysis. Evaluate the importance, impact, and scope of fact-finding observations to develop recommendations for operational improvement. Leverage strategic practices to inform assessment. Conduct peer benchmarking to provide comparative data from similarly situated organizations. Facilitate organizational modeling with leadership teams to review benefits and drawbacks of each organizational structure option.
  • Reporting. Develop a detailed report with observations and recommendations through draft- and final- reports and presentations. Final reports typically include an implementation to assist in the sequencing of key activities.

Expansive Staffing Analysis Experience

Our professionals are deeply knowledgeable, with practical experience across more than 30 industries, including the public, not-for-profit, and Tribal sectors. We have the applied expertise in relevant frameworks and methodologies and will tailor our approach to both your needs and culture.

Our approach is grounded in both flexibility and empathy and incorporating proven frameworks based on outstanding outcomes from working with organizations like yours in the past.

When you partner with Moss Adams, you get access to our deep bench of knowledgeable consultants across disciplines and industries. You also tap into our ability to lead crucial, comprehensive processes with ease and confidence, resulting in an experience that’s empowering, focused, and rewarding for your leadership with cascading positive outcomes throughout the organization.


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