Enterprise Risk Assessment

Evaluating and mitigating risks enables your organization to better achieve ambitious strategic goals. Our comprehensive approach to identifying and assessing risks goes well beyond common focus areas such as finance and internal controls, insurance programs, and employee safety.

Comprehensive risk strategies that address connected factors across your organization, as well as nuances specific to the sector in which you operate, should be implemented organization-wide, integrating long-term planning, operations and service delivery, human capital, IT structure and cybersecurity, and more.

Through enterprise risk assessments, our professionals comprehensively evaluate risks to provide your leadership an understanding of its current standing. Reported results include calculations of risk-levels that you can leverage to make strategic decisions, mitigate potential issues, and move your organization forward.

Support Operational Stability

Our enterprise risk assessments can help your organization determine its preparedness to address change and confidently navigate complex turning points such as:

  • Revenue changes
  • Introduction of new board members, audit committee chairs, CEO, and other leadership roles
  • Introduction of new regulations or compliance challenges
  • External disruptions
  • Rapid growth, busy periods, or lack of resources
  • Retirements or turnover

Our approach allows for clear prioritization and objectivity with structures, processes, and components necessary for risk management at scale built in. Outputs are board-ready, designed to win buy-in and achieve alignment at every level of your organization.

How the Assessment Process Works

Our process is rooted in collaboration at every stage and across every function, earning the trust necessary to give advice on sensitive and critical topics.

We recognize that risk management is an ongoing, recurring process and structure our work accordingly to provide a sustainable, successful approach for the long-term health of your organization.

Our risk assessments expand far beyond typical heat maps and include various risk ratings for each operational category. Risk ratings include a summary risk level, inherent risks, level of preparedness in the event of a negative event, and the likely impact a negative impact may have. Using this information, we develop actionable risk mitigation strategies by combining a disciplined, well-informed approach with tactical flexibility and attentiveness to your specific needs.

 Engagements typically include a four-phase approach:

  • Start-up and Management. Create a work plan that outlines project scope, approach, and timeline. Determine key people to interview and survey, documents to review, observations and walk-throughs to perform, when and how to share results, and how to report project status.
  • Fact-Finding. Obtain the most current information available—and insights from your organization and selected stakeholders—through fieldwork including documentation review, walk-throughs, observations, interviews, and an employee survey.
  • Analysis. Evaluate the importance, impact, and scope of risk areas to develop risk mitigation strategies for operational improvement. Leverage industry-specific practices to inform assessment results.
  • Reporting. Develop a detailed risk register with risk ratings and mitigation strategies through draft- and final- reports and presentations.

Expansive Risk Assessment and Industry Experience

Our professionals are deeply knowledgeable, with practical experience across more than 30 industries, including the public, not-for-profit and Tribal sectors. We have applied expertise in relevant frameworks and methodologies and will tailor our approach to both your needs and culture.

When you partner with Moss Adams, you get access to our deep bench of knowledgeable professionals across disciplines and industries. You also tap into our ability to lead crucial, comprehensive processes with ease and confidence, resulting in an experience that is empowering, focused, and rewarding for your leadership with cascading positive outcomes throughout the organization.

We have driven outstanding outcomes for organizations similar to yours, and our end-to-end approach is meticulously informed by those experiences.


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