The Bellingham office is home to professionals who specialize in a variety of areas. Many concentrate on assurance services, including SEC and corporate finance services. Others focus on tax services, including international tax, cost segregation, and private client services. Many are industry focused: construction and real estate, financial institutions, food and agriculture, forest products, hospitality and gaming, manufacturing and distribution, not-for-profits, and tribal governments.
The Bellingham office has supported the United Way since 2002, and has been a gold star supporter in 2009 and 2010. Moss Adams is focused on improving the quality of life for people in the Bellingham community through targeted programs supporting education, financial literacy, and health awareness. Since 2007, the office has sponsored a monthly Dress Down for Charity Day to encourage employees to wear jeans to work in exchange for a donation to the office’s chosen charity.
Whether you’re a recent or soon-to-be college graduate or an experienced professional seeking new opportunities, learn more about what it’s like to work in our Bellingham office.