Industry Expertise

Practice Focus


Jonathan has worked in health care finance since 2004, with a concentration in government reimbursement. He currently focuses on Medicare disproportionate share hospital (DSH), state and federal (S-10) uncompensated care, and Medicare bad debt engagements for hospital clients ranging from small rural facilities to large corporate hospital systems.

Jonathan’s experience includes preparing Medicare DSH, bad debt and Worksheet S-10 data for initial and amended cost report filings, reviewing and drafting hospital financial assistance policies, and overseeing audits and appeals.

Since 2017, Jonathan and his team have completed over 900 fiscal years of detailed Worksheet S-10 reviews for 260 hospitals in 32 states. He and his team have also completed thousands of Medicare DSH engagements for hospitals across the country.

Selected Speaking Engagements

  • Medicare DSH and Worksheet S-10
    (AHLA Annual Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues, March 2024)


  • BA, business information systems, Baylor University
  • MBA, University of Texas at Arlington

Insights from Jonathan Mason