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Avoid revenue leakage during a merger or acquisition by addressing key factors related to enterprise resource planning (ERP) software integration.

Explore recent accounting guidance issued for entities that secured Paycheck Protection Program loans from the GASB and professional groups.

Considering a move? Our article explains how to evaluate the potential benefits of moving before exercising your deferred compensation.

Explore key attributes hospital providers should consider to select the right partner for Medicare reimbursement and consolidate activities with one firm.

Government contractors face unique challenges when accounting for PPP loan forgiveness and the ERC credit.

Learn about the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) ReConnect program that supplies loans and grants in eligible rural areas.

Understanding Prop 39, accountability requirements, and best practices is essential to support a successful construction bond program for school districts.

Proposed IRS guidance can help provide benefits for taxpayers invested in qualified opportunity zones. New guidance was released in early 2019.

Financial statement auditing for life sciences companies can be overwhelming. Learn what to expect and get an overview the core technical aspects.

Learn how your retail company can help boost sales by leveraging data collection, easy deliveries, in-store experiences, tech savvy sales associates, and more.

Learn how to best implement data initiatives that can be used to define better metrics, improve processes and ROI, and potentially lead to more bids.

Joint ventures can help contractors access resources and more, but there are several audit, reporting, and compliance challenges. Learn more.

Explore recent trends in ASC Topic 740 and some reporting considerations to keep in mind as we approach tax provision season.

Improve your company’s pre- and post-initial public offering (IPO) process with our analysis of 2022–2023 SEC comment letter trends.

Learn how revenue cycle benchmarking could help tribal health care providers improve services.

Your company could ease its IPO process by fully understanding equity compensation requirements and preparing for a valuation in advance. Learn more.

Taxpayers with IRC Section 965 adjustments must review their state tax reporting to help ensure accurate taxable income and apportionment. Our Insight has the details.

Learn how companies that offer equity compensation can receive a valuation, meet reporting requirements, and successfully enter the public market.

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Bringing together professionals with different perspectives and backgrounds fosters an inclusive culture that makes a positive impact on our clients and people.

Technology companies hoping to get in on the M&A boom will want to first maximize their valuations. We look at some of the complex areas where tech companies’ tax assets and liabilities can impact value.

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