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Investing in Qualified Opportunity Zones may provide tax benefits for long-term care investors and operators.

Accounting Standards Update 2019-04 amends standards on credit losses, hedging, and recognition and measurement of financial instruments.

Is your performance management process limited to midyear and year-end reviews? Gain valuable perspective on new approaches to performance management.

Learn about income and estate tax opportunities—such as deductions and credits, alternative minimum (AMT) tax, and more—set to expire in 2025.

New FASB guidance enhances the reporting model for financial instruments in hopes of making information more useful to financial statement users. FASB reporters should evaluate the potential impact and potential benefits of early adoption.

GASB has released a statement to improve accounting and financial reporting guidance for public-private and public-public partnership arrangements.

Discover strategies for conserving cash, managing costs, and increasing revenue while creating balance sheet flexibility to help your business sustain and succeed during the economic downturn.

Recently proposed changes would impact an organization’s ability to receive Section 501(c) tax-exempt status. Learn more.

Financial institutions are facing one of the most fundamental changes to hit loan accounting in recent history, the Current Expected Credit Loss standard, known as CECL. Find out how you can prepare.

Learn key considerations for providers and C-suite leaders as they mitigate the stress on their revenue cycle caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moving across state lines makes those with more substantial income likely targets of state revenue agencies. Learn key steps you can take to prepare.

Legislation in Tennessee sets new standards and market-based sourcing for out-of-state businesses. Find out if your company faces new taxes.

(TaxStringer) Learn how proposed changes to partnership liability allocation regulations could have a big impact on any newly formed partnerships.

The new lease accounting standard takes effect in 2022 for private entities. Learn about a three-phase approach to preparing for implementation.

Web Page
When implementing new procedures or technology, Gap-IT can help health care leaders identifying structural gaps that present obstacles along the way

Press Release
The AICPA bestows not one but two awards on former Moss Adams CEO Rick Anderson. Read the press release.

Press Release
The American Women’s Association of Certified Public Accountants honored Moss Adams with its 2016 Innovation in Women’s Programming Award. Read the release.

Year after year, we’ve waited for Congress to extend key tax breaks before year-end. This year’s legislation does the job and more, making a number of key incentives permanent and extending others for multiple years. Details in this Alert.

Business entities must disclose information about government assistance in notes to their financial statements.

Our Moss Adams San Diego office is home to professionals serving public and private companies in a variety of industries by providing assurance, tax, and consulting services.

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